The night before he appeared at Lincoln Center for the Bachchan Sandhya, Amitabh Bachchan came to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for a press conference. After some welcome comments from the Bhavan’s Dr. Navin Mehta and Dr. P Jayaraman, Mr. Bachchan said, as he loomed over the podium at us: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen. […]
Category: Interviews
300 seconds with Ash and Abhi
There’s a story I did in this week’s issue of India Abroad about the weekend that Amitabh, Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan were in NY, for a variety of events, including a news conference to promote next year’s Unforgettable tour. As an accompaniment to that story, here’s a brief one-on-one I had with […]
Author-Blogger Book Discussion: Anupama Chopra
Hello everyone and welcome to [this transcript of] our virtual, multi-country, multi-continent event to discuss Anupama Chopra’s latest book: The King of Bollywood: Shah Rukh Khan and the Seductive World of Indian Cinema. The book – which traces Shah Rukh Khan’s career from his young days in Delhi to his pervasive […]
Irrfan Khan interview
He received praise all around for his role of the Ganguli patriarch in The Namesake, he took on a very lighthearted and comic role in Metro, and now Irrfan Khan is winning praise for his portrayal of the Captain in A Mighty Heart. Here’s the first part of a recent interview with him: […]
Archie Panjabi interview, pt. 2
Q: How was it being with Mariane? Very emotional. I mean in Cannes there was a standing ovation and the audience was so moved, and of course the critics in Cannes are the hardest to please, and everybody got up and everybody clapped. Angie and Brad were there, you know, the hottest […]
Archie Panjabi interview, part 1
Archie Panjabi was in New York in anticipation of the release of A Mighty Heart, in which she plays Wall Street Journal-ist Asra Q. Nomani, who was both a friend and colleague to Daniel Pearl and who played a major role as a member of the team involved following the kidnapping in Karachi. […]