At NYIFF last month, following the screening of Alexandra Eaton’s documentary Bombay Movie, there was a Q & A with her and actor Arjun Mathur, one of the stars of Barah Aana, the making of which is at the center of Bombay Movie. Q: How did you come to make this film? Alex Eaton: I […]
Category: Festival
Bombay Movie: Maybe it is a Bollywood country
For some people who love movies, it’s enough to lose themselves in the story, the visuals, the music, the talent (or beauty) of the actors, or perhaps the action and stunt sequences. But for others of us, there’s also a searing curiosity to know more: who came up with the idea to shoot a scene […]
Closing night at NYIFF
Still some more interviews to come, and write-ups of several films, but here’s a few pictures from the last evening of the New York Indian Film Festival (when Nitin Kakkar’s Filmistaan was the closing film, and then came the awards):
Arjun Mathur talking about Bombay Movie, Fireflies and more
Tell me about Bombay Movie AM: There’s a film I did called Barah Anna, and Alex (Eaton) was, well, I thought she was just shooting the making of, and three years later I learned that she’s made a documentary film on it. I’m so excited. It gives an insight into the process that goes into […]
Monica Dogra: My heart broke a little when Fireflies ended
Tell me about working on Fireflies MD: Fireflies was one of those dream projects where literally there was so much synchronicity and so much energy between everyone, from the spot boys – which is what they call them in India – to the actors, and when it ended, my heart broke a little because I […]
Three films about film at NYIFF
As everyone and his wife have been mentioning today, this is the centenary of the Bombay film industry, and I thought it was a particularly wonderful (planned) coincidence that this year’s IAAC NY Indian Film Festival featured three documentaries about film-making there. May 1st saw a paired screening of Bombay Movie, Alexandra Eaton’s heartfelt and […]