Manish Acharya interview

In the past three years, on December 4th, the day when director, writer and actor Manish Acharya died in a horse-riding accident outside of Bombay, I always remember him and his wonderful debut film Loins of Punjab Presents, and think what a shame it is that he’s gone so soon.  Manish was only 40 and […]

SAIFF 2013 Opens Tonight

As the South Asian International Film Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, the event opens tonight with Amit Kumar’s Monsoon Shootout and will have not just the director but also the lead actors Vijay Verma and is-there-any-recent-or-upcoming-film-this-guy-is-not-appearing-in Nawazuddin Siddiqui present for a post-screening Q&A.  Monsoon Shootout was well received when it premiered at Cannes […]